Leadership & Personal Development
Through my programs, speaking, book & podcast I've helped thousands of leaders to make a significant personal and professional impact with less stress, more flow and greater joy
30+ Years of Crisis Leadership (i.e. Hurricane Katrina, Canada's two largest disasters, hundreds of others) & Project Management
Leveraging the principle of Minimal Viable Effort- the most impact in the least amount of time with the least amount of effort
Founder of the Critical Path Leadership Method and family of frameworks
My goal is to work with you to get you where you want to be while building a worldwide community of leaders just like you
A leader who can manage their own mindset and emotions, supercharge their productivity through the state of flow and see the 'big' picture will:
Feel unsupported with upper management not providing any guidance
Be frustrated at not being able to do what they’re actually good at
Struggle and still wish people would just “get it”
Be overwhelmed with managing multiple spinning plates
Feel incompetent at being unable to consistently create an environment where their team functions optimally and is open to suggestions
P.S. And you get a one-time smokin' price but more on that below
Emergency Manager
Recovering Project Manager
Former Hockey Coach (and Iron Man at Halloween)
Well-Meaning But Unsupported Manager
You are saying:
I got here because I’m good at what I do now I barely do what I’m actually good at.
I spend most of my time managing people, projects, putting out fires, attending endless meetings and answering a never-ending stream of emails.
I feel like my skills aren’t being properly utilized and on top of that I got ZERO training on how to be a good manager/leader and my Boss is busy too and says to 'do the best I can' and 'work through it.'
I feel frustrated, overwhelmed, incompetent some days and burned the eff out.
I don't have much formal training and am not even sure leadership can be taught. I'm not a 'born' leader like the others.
Difficult decisions sometimes make me uncomfortable because I don't always have the information and no one really my back
I lack real conflict management skills and try to be as fair as possible
Leader of Personal & Professional Impact
What you want to say:
Professionally I actually connect with the team I manage and see eye-to-eye with them (and vice versa).
I can see the big picture, make decisions quickly and with more confidence and I don't dread going into work.
With my team I'm able to resolve day-to-day issues, conflict is virtually non-existent and when it does happen I can handle it quickly and effectively (meaning no HR involvement!) and I don't have to micromanage anyone.
I successfully elicit extraordinary performances from them and we have a respectful, inclusive, diverse and equal.
And my To Do list? I CRUSH it because I can get into a flow state consistently and I now run my calendar instead of the other way around
Personally, I am present, don't get triggered or upset nearly as much as I used to, have work/life harmony and have found joy in things and activities outside of my job.
I feel, no, I AM Confident, calm, empathetic, decisive. And present when I get home to my family.You
Manage my self (stress levels, North Star leadership Identity, leadership styles)
Rapidly build teams of INDIVIDUALS together and not only work together but perform at an extremely high level within half a day
Quickly triage issues and make consistently effective and timely decisions without analysis paralysis or overwhelm
I walk the walk so I always use my Method, principles and frameworks to include on a high-public and political profile project with a mutli-national, non-profit humanitarian organization (its logo is a big red 'plus') ;-)
Within 3 weeks and going for 10 months:
The workforce was the definition of included multi-generational, multi-cultural and multiple language and the operation.
Team went from 1 person (me) and scaled up to 500
stood up 21 remote work sites and spanning 4 time zones coast to coast
Budget of 10s of millions
Need to be more productive so your To Do list becomes a Completed List
Desire to be a good leader so others look up to you and your Boss stops breathing down your neck
Hunger to use proven techniques so that you aren't spinning your wheels or trying a bunch of different things and seeing what works
Drive to feel like you're in control and not winging it so you are more present, achieve work/life harmony and have more energy
Become a more conscious leader
Focus on your craft (not micromanage all day)
Be a positive influence
Become respected and trusted
Have more fulfilment, more joy
Make an IMPACT at home, the community and at work
Agile to adapt with changing conditions without losing productivity or morale
Resilient to bounce back from any set backs
Extremely high-performing without the micromanagement
Cohesive so that they support each other and they support you
Empowered so they will go above and beyond the task at hand and feel great about their contributions
Organizational crystal clear communication so misunderstandings and communication breakdowns become non-existent
Complete alignment between strategy and tactical execution so all levels are on the same page
Solve big problems without the analysis paralysis and poor decisions
Survival mode, doing the best with what you got, in survival mode, overwhelmed, completely on the defensive, reactive, exhausted, unable to be present at home, lack of motivation, team is a collection of individuals, little to no locus of control over work or home, easier to ignore problems
You really want to be a better leader but TIME is your enemy, you have a massive To Do list, endless meetings and emails, no time to develop your team or yourself, you are burned out, stressed and not present at home, your Boss micromanages you
The team is doing well, conflicts do arise, you still feel the need to micromanage, you still don't have as much time or energy as you'd like, work/life balance is non-existent, you're burned out and asking what more you can do
Your productivity is through the roof with states of flow on demand, you can rely on your instinct, you trust yourself and can take a team through all stages of development, you have autonomy, have struck work/life harmony, you practice empathy, you are respected by your team and peers, you can be present with your family outside of work
Your Ideal Future Calm Self
Stress Theory and Self-Assessment
DDB 64- Second Defeat the Beast of Stress Method To Restore Calm whereby we move from a reaction to response in just 64 seconds
Breathe Like Your Life(style) Depends On It where we cover 3 breathing techniques and variations to either up-regulate or down-regulate your nervous system
Establishing a positive leadership presence so you can be conscious of how you impact those around you
Begin creating your North Star Leadership Charter which starts with where you are and who you want to be
Two Active Listening Techniques (of 5 total) to save you time and frustration with determine what someone means vs. guessing or assuming
The BEE Method to give you the important initial steps so you no longer avoid 'difficult' conversations
A video that is easily consumable
Typically a worksheet
Group Coaching Call for additional content and context
Question & Answer
Hot Seat opportunity for any specific issues or challenges one might have
We focus on INTEGRATING the content into your work and home
Contains all the videos, coaching call replays and worksheets
To Do items automatically assigned to you for each month so it isn't ANOTHER To Do list that you have to maintain
Your own Habit Tracker- now THIS is useful to track your new habits
The community is what will keep you really supported while allowing you to help others
The video lesson content will be converted to audio so you can listen to it on any podcast application on the go
LIFETIME Price guarantee- WHEN the price goes up yours won't! You're locked in for the lifetime of your membership
Sign up for Annual and receive 2 months free (Founding Member pricing guaranteed)
LIMITED OFFER: 1 on 1 Coaching With Daryl For The First 20 to Sign Up For An Annual Membership
Three 30-minute one-one sessions where you'll have direct access to not only Daryl's experience and support but his full suite of tools normally available only to his Executive Leadership clients
Limited to the first 20 who sign up for an Annual membership so save money AND get one-on-one coaching
Value: $1125